is on April 1st at the rear of the South Dover Cemetery just look for the old rugged cross. Bring something to share at our Sunrise Breakfast. Sunrise is posted on the “Weather Channel” web-site for 6:42 AM.

Ken Baker Newsletter
August 2017
Dear Friends,
This summer has been a combination of joy, sadness, celebration, and a very busy schedule. It is always sad to see families move out of the city and away from our church, but we rejoice in the impact that God has allowed us to have in people’s lives.
Back in July, Denise received word that her mother was very sick, so she and Kaylee rushed to Panama City, Florida where she was able to be with her for her last few hours before her mother went to Heaven. Makenzie, Chloe, Cade & I then drove to Florida for the funeral. Because we left for Florida so quickly, we had very little time to prepare for the services that we were going to miss. Oscar, one of the faithful men in our church, preached in both Sunday services. We are very happy to report that not only did the services go well, but we had guests in both services and two people trusted Christ during the invitation! It is amazing to see God working in our church, and it is one of the greatest joys of our ministry to see people in our church discover their spiritual gifts, and then use them for the Lord.
Vacation Bible School was really special this year! It was my desire and prayer that we would specifically focus each session on the gospel. Pastor Dan Frost, along with some friends from the Northside Baptist Church in St. Albans, Vermont, helped us and a number of kids trusted Christ as their Savior!
Just last week, we resumed our Saturday discipleship classes. We are thankful to have more people signed up for this semester than ever before.
The struggle in the Big Apple is real, the challenges are great, but our God is greater! Thank you for your continued prayers, encouragement, and support. Thank you for not only your prayers for our ministry, but specifically for our family. It is our privilege to represent you in the Bronx.
In His Service,
Ken Baker
Barbara Holmes Funeral
The arrangements for Barbara Holmes funeral will be:
Wake at Hufcut Funeral Home in Dover Plains. From 5pm until 8pm Wednesday.
The Funeral service will be Thursday morning at 10am at the Dover First Baptist Church.
Please continue to hold the family up in prayer through the coming days. May a sense of peace and comfort surround them all.
Resurrection Sunday
Pictures taken during service 04-16-2017
Rachel Langendorfer DVD
Cantata 2014
Here is the recording of the Cantata in MP3 format for all to enjoy.
Cantata 2014 Video (MP4 format – 112MB download)
Dottie Paugh Obituary
To our praying family,
Please pray for the Paugh family, our dear sister, Dottie, past on to glory this morning. Our hearts and prayers go out to Bob’s family. Details on arrangements will follow. Obituary
Pastor Anthony Bacino
Kate Carr’s Obituary
We have been praying for Kate Carr (Jeff’s mother) and she has passed away. So please hold her family up in prayer.
This brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoe- boxes and the Good News of God’s love. Collection week is November 17-24th. OCC boxes are available along with an information flier with instructions on the rear table in the foyer. Thank you.