Charges for Servants and Teachers
In Washington, DC last week a House committee debated a bill that would direct more than a dozen experts to examine how the U.S. government supported slavery from 1619 to 1865 in support of possible reparations. I think first they should be reminded that the U.S. government did not exist until the American Revolution finally ended on September 3, 1783, when America and the King of England signed the Treaty of Paris. Before that time we were the United Colonies of Great Britain. Reparation for slavery is a very controversial subject today but let’s speaks from the Christian prospective: slavery is a despicable institution. Every race deserves reparation for slavery because ever race has been enslaved.
If you go back far enough in history, you find this evil part of every civilization. Slavery operated in the first civilizations such as Mesopotamia, which dates back to 3500 BC. The Egyptians enslaved the Hebrew people for 400 years and it is believed that the great Pyramids were built by slave labor. It was refers to as an established institution. Slavery was widespread in the ancient world and in every other ancient civilization such as the Roman Empire.
At the time the Apostle Paul wrote his first letter to Timothy, half the population of the Roman Empire about sixty million people were slaves. Many of them had been taken as prisoners of war by the Roman legions. Some were taken away out of their own countries, while others were kept captive within their own lands. Some slaves were highly educated, literate men and women. Slavery, then, became an immediate problem in the early church, as both slaves and their masters were being converted to Christianity.
I. Instructions concerning Servants. Vv. (1-2)
1. Christianity arose in a social setting where slavery was commonplace. Some slaves held privileged positions; other slaves were treated with great abuse. So it is apparent that, though Scripture does not come out in strong language against the institution of slavery, nevertheless, Christianity is the major reason why slavery has disappeared around the world. However, these principles stated here apply for example, in employer-employee relationships or in any situation in which one is expected to work under someone else or for someone else.
2. Paul did not give approval of the institution of slavery. His concerned was that God would be glorified in the life of the believer regardless of what hardships we fact. Joseph is a great example of this and the Hebrew children. These same principles apply to our livelihoods today. When we work hard and honor our employers, it glorifies God. But when we are poor workers and disrespectful to our supervisors, it brings shame on the name of Jesus Christ. Col. 3:[23] And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; [24] Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.
3. Christian slaves with Christian masters were not free to hate their masters for requiring them to work. We should never expect special treatment because our boss or supervisor is a Christian. Instead, that should motivate us to work all the harder, because we can then be a blessing to another brother. Paul is saying at the end of verse 2, “these things teach and exhort” all these things are to be taught and given by way of warning and exhortation. In other words, teach the truth, teach the revealed truth of God in all these components. Dr. Warren Wiersbe tells a true story that relates to this subject.
The story is told of a young lady who had left a secular job to work for a Christian organization. She had been there about a month and was really disillusioned. “I thought it was going to be heaven on earth,” she complained. “Instead, there is nothing but problems. “Wiersbe asked her if she was working just as hard for her new boss as she did in the secular job. She said, “No!” So, Dr. Wiersbe told her, “Try working harder, and show your boss real respect. Just because all of you in the office are saved doesn’t mean you can do less than your best.” She took his advice and the problems were resolved and the environment improved.
II. Admonition concerning false Teachers. Vv.3-4
1. Now in verse 3, “If anyone teaches otherwise or differently” that means differently than what has been revealed through the inspiration of Scriptures. The words translated from the Greek into “teaches otherwise” mean a heterodox or heretical teaching rather than an orthodox teaching. That means a heresy, a false teaching. False teachers are marked by heresy. They teach differently than the Word of God actually teaches. They affirm things that are contrary to the Word. This could be in error about Christ, error about His lineage, error about His virgin birth. Usually these are errors about the fundamentals doctrines. Someone who teaches contrary to the sinless perfection of Christ and they will add to Scripture.
They will deny the Scripture. Note the last part of verse three. They will also, because of the absence of scriptural truth, produce a life that lacks godliness. The ultimate test of truth is resulting godliness. Today these are those who want to be politically and socially correct rather than Biblically correct. Beware! — II Peter 3:15,16
2. Next, Paul describes this pathology -that is a condition that is a deviation from the normal, the processes of a disease. These teachers have a real spiritual disease and the next section defines this and their character. First, their sickness begins with deceit. Paul says. “He is puffed up with conceit, though he knows nothing, he thinks he knows everything.” When you listen to some of these fanatics of various causes, they can sound very profound they are convinced that they have the only right view. It morphs into anger at anybody who opposes them. Only by pride comes contention.” -Proverbs13:10a
3. The second aspect of their pathology is they are obsessed with disputes and arguments over words (4b) from which comes envy, strife, reviling evil suspicions. Teachers with this spiritual disease have an unhealthy desire to quibble over the nuances of words. They aspire to stimulate arguments that end in division, slander, jealousy, strive and disunity. This sounds like they are working for Satan who is craving for a fight in the church. Look with me to James 3:14-18.
4. The third advancement in this pathology is that such an individual sees gain as his only objective in life. Why is this individual a Christian? Why is this individual even in church? But why in the world would anyone do this? Here it is, the motive: Supposing that godliness is a means of gain. Paul reveals the ultimate corruption of their spiritual sickness is because it is a big help in making money. It gives him a respectable position. A lot of people are involved in the church because of the honor and approval that comes from those who show a concern for religious values. Many a man has come into the church because it will advance him in his business. Paul says that is a terrible motive. It is part of the devil’s philosophy.
5. So the pathological source of their disease is a corrupt mind. The Authorized then says, “From such withdraw your-self.” Solomon gave great warning in Proverbs 4:11-15. Enter not into the path of the wicked that is from people who teach contrary to Scripture. Enter not into the path of the wicked – from those who deny the truth. Enter not into the path of the wicked from those who are not Christ-like and godly in conduct. Stay away!
God has given us sufficient warning so that we can know and can be aware of the violation of the truth. We need the challenge to be students of the Word so that error is recognized by us immediately, that we may stay clear and never be infected with such a deadly virus.
Prayer— Father, I pray that we would ever be led astray by the multitude of false teachers. That we come to reply on your Holy Spirit within us to guise us into all truth and to reveal lies and falsehoods that hurt true doctrine and your church.