Jesus is Superior in Everyway
In his book, “Angels, God’s secret agents” the late Dr. Billy Graham states, “I am convinced that these heavenly beings exist and that they provide unseen aid on our behalf. I do not believe in angels because someone has told me about a dramatic visitation from an angel. I do not believe in angels because I have ever seen one because I haven’t. I believe in angels because the Bible says there are angels. And I believe the Bible to be the true Word of God One of the most fascinating subjects in the Bible is angels. According to Barna Research 55 percent of all Americans believe they are protected by guardian angels.
Thirty-four of the 66 books of the Bible refer to angelic beings by the simple term angel (singular and plu¬ral), which occurs more than 300 times. The Scripture also refers to them by other terms. Angels are mentioned more than 250 times in the Bi¬ble. The word translated “angel” in both Hebrew and Greek means “messenger,” which reveals their function. In the Bible, angels bring God’s messages to earth. Psalm 103:20 reveals about angels that they excel in strength that they do his commandments and they obey the voice of his word.
He¬brews was written to Jewish Christians, who had a very high view of angels. Most Jews believed angels were beings second only to God. So, to keep these Jewish believers from drifting away from their newly found faith and lapsing back into Judaism, they had to be convinced Jesus Christ is supe¬rior to angels. Jewish tradition assigned a prominent place to angels, particularly in the rev¬elation of the Mosaic Law. Therefore, this section of Hebrews entreats many great truths about Jesus and proves He is superior to angels. First is…
I. His Superior Name (1:4-6)
1. The words “being made” at the start of Hebrews 1:4 do not mean that Christ at some point in time became greater than the angels. The Greek word “gínomai” can mean it came to pass. Christ by carrying out the divine plan of redemption that the Fa¬ther and Son had formed from “the foundation of the world; Jesus became better in the sense that He was made perfect (complete as our redeemer) through sufferings (Hebrews 2:10) – something no angel ever did. He made manifest His supreme power and posi¬tion. Christ’s deeds shown His superi¬ority, and so did the name by which He was recognized by the Father. The idea behind obtaining a more excellent name than the angels is through His redemptive work.
2. The writer of Hebrews proves Jesus is superior to angels because His name is more excellent than that of angels (1:4). (Philippians 2:9-11).
In the Bible we find the names of the two most prominent angels. First is Michael the archangel (Jude 1:9). Archangel means “chief angel,” or commander of the angels. At the Second Coming, Michael will apparently lead the angels (1 Thess. 4:16).
There is also the angel Gabriel, God’s personal envoy who brings mes¬sages to earth. Gabriel came to earth to announce the births of John the Baptist and Jesus (Lk 1:19 & 26). Michael and Gabriel are both beautiful, important names, but the Lord Jesus has a superior name.
3. God has never called an angel my Son nor has He said He was the Father of an angel (1:5). When Gabriel announced the birth of Jesus to Mary, he tell her in (Luke 1:32a)? He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:
Angels are ministers and messengers they are servants of God; Jesus is the Son of God. Angels are awesome, heavenly beings who surround the throne of God (Rev. 5:11 a).
If angels worship Jesus, you and I should! Jesus is superior to angels and He deserves our worship because of His superior name and …
However, in Hebrews 1:6b, God com¬mand all angels in regard to Jesus to let all the angels of God worship him. Christ is called the “first begotten” pro-tot-ok’-os in Hebrews 1:6. This does not mean that He was created at some point. It refers to His receiving the rights of the first¬born. He is the rightful Heir, and He is also the Leader of all those who will en¬ter His kingdom through faith in Him (cf. Rom. 8:29; Heb. 12:23).
Jesus is superior to angels because of His superior name, superior posi¬tion, superior power, and superior place. Hebrews emphasized that only Christ was ever called the Son-at least, that is, “in terms like these, which single out the person addressed and give him a status apart”. Only Christ could rightfully embody the promises made to David, for only He is God’s Son.