The Antichrist Is Coming
A nationwide survey concerning spiritual beliefs of adults’ suggests that Americans who consider themselves’ to be Christian have a diverse set of beliefs. Done by George Barna it showed many of those beliefs are contradictory or, at least, inconsistent. 59% of Christians said they believed that Satan “is not a living being but is a symbol of evil.” Ironically, a majority of Christians also said that they believe that a person can be under the influence of spiritual forces, such as demons or evil spirits. 64% of Christians agreed that such influence is real. In these “last times” Satan is at work influencing governments and nations. Satan works by influencing the powers that be in governments and nations. He is amassing a global front.
Demons have been politicking since the beginning. They are under the power and dominion of Satan who has all the qualities of the most hideous and evil presence imaginable. He is real. He is in our world. And he is out to ruin the Church. He is a deceptive and terrifyingly powerful. This is not science fiction – it is the Word of God. John warns the believers’ of his day that this enemy of God will one day come to deceive the world by himself en-powering a human leader. He is the anti-Christ. Who and what is He like? There are many…
I. Characteristics of the Antichrist vv. 18
1. John here refers to an individual who has captured the imagination of many people including those who don’t even believe the Bible. Many are ignorant about this person called the Antichrist except what they have learned from movies. Only John uses the title “Antichrist” it is used five times in this epistle. Other Biblical writers use different terms to describe this diabolical person. Daniel refers to the “prince who is to come” in 9:27. Paul calls him the “man of perdition” or the “man of lawlessness” in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. John in Revelation 13 calls him the “beast out of the sea”. Rev. 17 describes him as a political & commercial genius.
2. The antichrist is a world dictator who leads humanity in what seems to be a golden age. The term refers to one who stands in opposition to all that Jesus Christ represent.” The prefix “anti” refers to “one who is against Christ.” While this may be ultimately true, perhaps the real idea of the word is “substitute.” The Antichrist is one who offers himself as a substitute for Christ. He is a false Christ. The antichrist will have enormous ability, he will be very cunning.
3. He will be a supernatural genius, possessing complete knowledge and wisdom. He will be able to think, plan, act, respond, and react to situations quicker and more efficiently than any man has ever been able to do. Think how far a person could go in political circles and in gaining power if he had what we might term perfect ability-if he was full of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.
He comes as the superman of the human race to bring peace to the Middle East by signing a seven-year treaty with Israel. We should take notice, because the world stage is set for a political and economic “superman” to arise, a single political leader to organize a world-dominating confederation of nations. We should take notice, because the world stage is set for a political and economic “superman” to arise, a single political leader to organize a world-dominating confederation of nations.
4. The Bible records that the man of sin, the son of perdition is the Anti-Christ, (2Thess. 2:4). We can truly see he is empowered by Satan who said, “…I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will be like the Most High.” (Isaiah 14:13-14). Here is Satan’s attempt to fulfill his prideful rebellion against God in the last days. He rebels against all that is holy.
5. He does not regard the “desire of women.” It is very possible this reference in ***Daniel 11: 36 &37 means that he is a homosexual. Homosexuality is being tolerated more and more as an acceptable “alternate” lifestyle. Perhaps Satan is paving the way for his with the proliferation of homosexually. He is a liar and a deceiver!!! ***John 8:44
Mat 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
However, John’s real concern in this present passage is not just for “the antichrist” that is yet to come, but to the existence of the “many antichrists” that were then present in the world. The “many antichrists” is a reference to the Gnostic teachers that were beginning to undermine Biblical Christianity near the end of the first century. There is a “spirit” of antichrist, and this “spirit” of antichrist will one day find its ultimate fulfillment in the Antichrist, who will lead humanity in an end-times rebellion against God.
II. Characteristics of Counterfeit Christianity: vv.19, 21, 22, 26
1. The world has always offered substitutes for the real Christianity. Counterfeit Christianity is a substitute for true Christianity. They offer a counterfeit Jesus for the real Jesus. There has never been a time that the evidence of counterfeit Christianity is as prevalent like in our day.
*** II Corinthians 11:3-4
2. The spirit of antichrist is working and many people are being deceived by false teachings. Christianity is under attack like never before. John gives at least three characteristics of counterfeit Christianity in these verses. They each begin with D like the Devil!
1. Departure -In verse 19 they have departed from the fellowship. Their departing proves they were never really true believers in the first place. The Bible teaches not everyone who belongs to a local church is a true be¬liever. What percentage of the average church membership do you think are true believers? Today some statistics say less than half of the members of any church are true believers. Jesus say,”we can recognize true believers in Matthew 7:20 by their fruits.
2. Denial – Second, they have denied the faith (2:21-22) One of the chief characteristics of a cult is the denial or the depreciation of the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. This passage reveals that to deny Jesus is to deny the Father also. Some groups such as the Gnostics, the Christian Scientists, New Agers, Unity, etc., deny the humanity of Jesus. That is, Jesus only seemed to be real.
3. Deception -they deceive the faithful (2:26). “These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you.” The purpose of this section of 1 John is to warn us, regarding those who would deceive us and lead us astray. They are deceptive in that they have the appearance of true Christianity but in reality deny the fundamentals of the faith.
III. Characteristics of true Christianity: vv20,
1. First, real Christianity is characterized by the anointing of the Holy Spirit (2:20, 27).
Be sure you are saved. In verse 20 the word translated unction means “anointing” or “endowment.” All true believers have an anointing of the Holy Spirit. The Bible says God establishes us in Christ (2 Cor. 1:21). Jesus says the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth (Jn 16:13a). When we become Christians, we receive the Holy Spirit (Eph. 1:13)who is the spiritual anointing of our souls.
The Holy Spirit is our supernatural, resident Teacher who will guide us into all truth. When we hear false teaching, He will convey to our spirits, “This is not the truth of God’s Word.” The Holy Spirit anoints us by guiding us into truth and away from lies. John 16:13-14
So the believers to whom John is writing do not think he is questioning their knowledge. He writes, “I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth (2:21a). Those with the anointing of the Holy Spirit not only know the truth, but they have a built-in “lie detector” that can detect anything that is not truth.
Secondly, real Christianity is characterized by an acknowledgment of the Son of God. Real Christianity teaches that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. John writes to prove that Jesus is all he claims to be, fully God and fully man. This is the incarnation. Jesus was sinless. He was tempted as we are yet without sin. He is the atoning sacrifice for all our sins. He shed His blood for us on the cross (I John 2:2). Moreover, Jesus rose again from the dead and has been exalted to the Father’s right hand.
Thirdly, real Christianity is characterized by an abiding in the word of God (2:24-26). One of the reasons why so many professing Christians are being deceived today is that they do not know the true Word of God. We are to abide in the Word. Jesus said, “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you” (John 15:7).
Beware of the counterfeit Christianity. Don’t let the devil deceive you by pulling you away from true Biblical Christianity.