May 1, 2022

The Message of God’s Promises

Passage: Haggai 2:20-23
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Haggai’s fourth and final message foretells of a time when this world, as we know it, will come to an end. Haggai’s messages from God are a mixture of rebuke and encouragement.
Many people are afraid that in the near future, the world will come to a complete end because they have bought the lies of Satan. He does not want people to know what the Bible teaches. So they fear a nuclear war will wipe out the planet and the devil is using another evil devil named Vladimir Putin. Then we have Al Gore pushing the prediction of global warming will destroy the world and the update is within 12 years. Christian need not fear these false predictions. Do you remember the 2012 Maya phenomenon and then there was the Y2K prediction of a computer meltdown. How many world ending predictions have come and gone because they don’t comply with God predictions which never fail.

Here are a few “wise” men who made some terrible predictions. In 1876 Western Union Board of trustees claimed the ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. This device is inherently of no value to us.” In 1943 Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM stated, “I think the whole world market would sell five computers. In 1977 Ken Olson, president, chairman, and founder of Digital Equipment Corp., “There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.”
In 1962 Decca Recording Company stated about the Beatles, “We don’t like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out.” Down through the years and century’s people have made many bad predictions, but I believe when God says something will happen you can trust it will happen. God promises have all come true and all God’s remaining promise will too. “

God’s promise to Zerubbabel was that the future Davidic King would come from his family line and that he would rule from the Throne of David. He also declared to Zerubbabel…

I. The Promise of the Demise of all Israel’s enemies. Vv.20-22

1. God wanted Zerubbabel to know that although the Jewish nation and people were small in the eyes of the superpowers of the world, they were servants of Almighty God and they are on the winning side. The language may not be concise to us but it was to this leader.
I will overthrow the chariots and those who ride in them: Satan will do everything in his power to annihilate the nation of Israel from off the face of the earth.

He has attempted this a number of times and will attempt two more times. He will fail in his attempted with (Russia) the Gog and Magog. This will not stop him. During the latter half of the tribulation Satan will show no regards for human life, no matter how great a cost… Some political leaders believe that the world stands at the brink of a second nuclear age invoking fear of Armageddon…The United States, Russia, France, Israel, China, India, Pakistan and the U.K. all have nuclear capability. Iran and North Korea plan to acquire nuclear capability soon. (* list of amounts)

2. The Battle of Armageddon is foretold in Revelation 19:19-21. The word Armageddon is mentioned only once in the scriptures. In Revelation 16:16 [God] gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon”. the Hebrew word is Har Megido meaning “Mountain of Megiddo” in Israel. Megiddo was the location of many decisive battles in ancient times located 60 miles due north of Jerusalem. Mount Megiddo has been a preferred place of military engagements for most of the major battles in the mid-east for over thirty centuries. Egyptians, Israeli’s, Hittites, Philistines, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Crusaders, Turks and the British have pitched their tents on the Plain of Esdraelon or the valley of Megiddo to do battle. More battles have been fought there than on any other piece of real estate in the world. The last battle and war will end there too.

3. Another invasion of the Promised Land is described in the book of Daniel. We often use the term Armageddon to localize the war to Megiddo. However, Scripture teaches that the battle will literally fill the land of Israel with war and bloodshed. This series of battles will culminate at Armageddon in a coordinated attack that will be launched against Israel by Egypt, the king’ of the South, and Syria the king of the North (Dan. 11:40).

3. While engaged in battle with Egypt, Ethiopia and Libya in North Africa, China in the East along with remnants of a defeated Russian army will attack the anti-Christ too…(Dan. 11:44). The Antichrist will reverse direction and rush to deter this new threat. The Eastern army alone will include more than two hundred million men (Rev. 9:16). Today, China has more than 1.4 billion people and is capable of just such a large army. This campaign will involve major armies from the North, East, South and West. Although the pivotal point will be Armageddon, the total battlefield will stretch for hundreds of miles and war will plague the earth as the rider on the Red horse ushers in the final world war.

4. This war will be so horrific that the Bible says blood will be raging. “And the winepress was trampled outside and blood came out of the winepress, up to the horses’ bridle, one thousand six hundred furlongs” (Revelation 14:20). In the terminology of today, a hundred furlongs is almost two hundred miles. While that image maybe hard for us to visualize, it is not unprecedented in human history. Ancient historians like Herodotus describe similar scenes during vicious battles in the siege of Athens in 405-404 BC as noted in his book.

3. It is a horrifying scene from the perspective of earth. All of the forces of evil gather in one place to make war against God and his kingdom. The Prophet Zechariah describes the culmination and finality of this battle. Look at Zechariah 14:12-13 as he describes what happens to human flesh in His presence. God is shaking the nations! Revelation 19:15 …And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations. He simply speaks, and the beast and false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire. By the power of His spoken word, not with His hand or with bombs, He will destroy the armies of the earth. By simply speaking, Jesus will smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron. God also Promises-

II. The Seal of the Jewish Remnant. Vv.23

1. Haggai tell Zerubbabel governor of Judah that in that Day (the day of the Lord) I will shake the nations and he has my signet / seal that I will preserve a remnant of thy people. A signet ring was used to seal letters. This is the seal we speak of this morning from this closing passage. The wearer of the ring would place the ring in hot wax and then would press it on the letter to seal it. This did two things: It sealed the letter and it identified the sender.

2. God promise you have my seal on this letter. Daniel 12:1 foretold this truth we read, “At that time thy people shall be delivered.” This phrase “thy people” clearly refers to the Jews. They are the ones who are suffering during the time of Tribulation. The Jewish people are the “chosen” people of God. Both Daniel and Jesus speak about a time of tribulation (“Jacob’s Trouble”) that will occur in the last days before Christ returns. But God promises deliverance to His people. Israel is saved from extermination by God fulfilling His promise to Zerubbabel governor of Judah that He “Almighty God will shake the nations.

3. Zechariah 13:8-9 says two-thirds of Israel will die. The one-third left constitutes the godly remnant to whom the promise of redemption belongs. The end of Daniel 12:1 verifies that fact: the delivered are “every one that shall be found written in the book. The New Testament calls this the “Book of Life” in Revelation 20:15. Only the saved have their names recorded in the Book of Life. “Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.


Ominous storm clouds loom on the horizon for the world. But a rainbow, the sign of God’s providence and loving care still speaks that He will not destroy the earth. Are you saved?

We all seek answers for the uncertainties of life. We watch the future growing closer and wonder what will happen to us there. Whether young or old we all face questions about our futures. Heaven answer to us who are God’s children: His love and goodness encircles us no matter what awaits us. We wait and see what God will do!



Russia – 6,255 nuclear warheads
United States of America – 5,550 nuclear warheads
China – 350 nuclear warheads
France – 290 nuclear warheads
United Kingdom – 225 nuclear warheads
Pakistan – 165 nuclear warheads
India – 156 nuclear warheads
Israel – 90 nuclear warheads

13, 085

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