July 3, 2022

The Redemption for America

Passage: Jeremiah 17:1-10
Service Type:


Today in respects to our 245 anniversary as a nation I felt compelled to preach a motivational message to challenge us in regard to the very survival of our country. The members of the first Congressional Congress voted for independence on July 2nd and ratified the Declaration of Independence on July 4th and signed it almost a month later. The significance of the Declaration of Independence has been analyzed in hundreds of books throughout the years. Much of its praise lie within the second sentence that is being eroded in our day. Many credited this passage with enshrining American values and, as noted by President Lincoln, as defining the morals and philosophies with which to interpret the US Constitution. The sentence reads:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” This statement alone references that they were God fearing men! This was our key to victory, prosperity and success for Blessed is the nation whom’ God is the Lord.

On June 30, this year a US Marine and World War II veteran Carl Dekel, celebrated his 100th birthday. He said, “ I loves my country and that’s why he’s worried about the future of America. During an very emotional interview, he said he worries future generations won’t have the same opportunities he had, despite having to fight and watch his fellow countrymen die on the front lines. We haven’t got the country we had when I was raised’: This country is not the same nation we fought for. * In emotional tears he said this is not what my comrades die for. The things we did and the things we fought for and the boys that die for it is not the same. The country is going down the drain.”- The veterans of this greatest generation and soldiers like Carl Dekel are being ushered into eternity. They were God fearing men! With them goes a God fearing people and the kind of leaders that led them like a Douglas MacArthur. His faith and courage inspired!

During the II World War General Douglas MacArthur was ordered by President Franklin Roosevelt to withdraw to Australia after being overrun by Japanese forces at Bataan. Before MacArthur escaped he made the famous vow, “I shall return.” On Oct. 20, 1944, MacArthur did indeed return to the Philippines. He uttered some very dramatic words to Filipinos just moments after he waded ashore at Red Beach, during the height of the fiercely contested Leyte invasion. With his feet finally back on Filipinos soil, and his promise at last being fulfilled, MacArthur spoke with great emotion. The following is just a small a portion from that speech.

“People of the Philippines, I have returned. By the grace of Almighty God our forces stand again on Philippine soil ….The hour of your redemption is here…

Strike at every favorable opportunity! For your homes and hearths, strike! For future generations of your sons and daughters, strike! In the name of your sacred dead, strike! Let no heart be faint. Let every arm be steeled. The guidance of our divine God points the way. Follow in His Name to the Holy Grail of righteous victory!”

I doubt we would hear such a charge in our day. The redemption of America is at the very heart of this charge, “by the grace of Almighty God.” Jeramiah too preach God’s charge to the Hebrew people but they did not heeded.

I. The Charge
1. The Church needs to regard a similar charge for its hour of redemption against the forces of evil that prevail today. Folks, we are fighting a spiritual battle an invisible war. Paul says in Ephesians that we battle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

2. The Devil hates God and since we are children of God, he hates us. He hates America and what we once stood for. A God fearing people which stood for justice and truth…Jesus says he comes only to steal, kill and to destroy. The Bible describes the Devil as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. He wants to devour this nation so there can be no opposition to his evil plan to destry God people and wipe Israel off the map. “There is no truce in this invisible war.” Demonic activity is both real and relentless. He is raising his army to wipe us out internally.

It’s time we get behind Our Commander in Chief Jesus Christ and rise up and strike. It is time for the Church to strike at every favorable opportunity. For our Faith, for our homes, for our Churches, for our country we need to rise up and strike! For the future generations of our sons and daughters we need to strike! In the name of the sacred dead who die for their faith. The Church needs to wake up out of its sleep and slumber and strike.

When I say strike, I am not talking about engaging in violence or revenge and returning evil for evil. The church needs to turn from its apathy and strike with it spiritual powers. The church needs to move from its complacency and strike and pray for the guidance of our divine God to point the way. We cannot sit idly by and observe the slaughter of the unborn, the murder of Christians and Jews. We are informed to be political correct, to be tolerant and not to offend other or their believes. Yet, the name of Jesus is condemned every day and we are more afraid of men than of God. — Reference the verse Jeramiah 17:5, 7

In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.
In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me. – Ps. 56:4, 11

Now we have our government redefining much what God created. As if His order and design is flawed. This is dangerous ground—fallen and sinful mankind is attempting to dictate its own standards to a Holy God. We must confess our sin before Him and repent.
— 2 Chronicles 7:14

II. The Obstacles before us:

1. The obstacles before us are our lack of courage, faith and trust in God and so we have conceded to fear and complacency. The Israelites of Jeremiah’s day believed they could trust in their army, the diplomacy of their king, and their foreign alliances to protect them from the powerful Babylonian empire. American are trusting the same; folks it as the old idiom says, “it’s a house of cards”, a phony security. They gave lip service to their trust in God…, but their actions showed where their faith really was: in their military and financial might. God spoke through Jeremiah to warn them that He would not bless those who trusted in anyone or anything instead of Him. — Reference the verse Jeramiah 17:3, 4

2. The Israelites were so stubbornly committed to trusting in human strength instead of God that, even as the Babylonian army approached Jerusalem, they continued to desperately seek for a person, or a nation, or an army that could rescue them. They realized too late that they had neglected to trust in the only One who could deliver them.
God help us as Americans not to make the same mistake as the Israelites. He is the only One who can provide for the USA and you. Placing your ultimate trust in anything other than God is idolatry. Could it be that we are saying we trust in God, but our actions indicate otherwise?

III The Way to Victory vv.3-4
1. You see, spiritual warfare is where the real battle wages. It wages on many fronts… Let the government and our soldiers fight the earthly battle and let us get involve in the spiritual warfare. There is an old European proverb worth heeding that says, “Age and treachery will always defeat youth and zeal.” Before we engage in spiritual warfare, we should know this about Satan: He is an ancient and extremely treacherous foe. He has not stopped to wipe out the Jew and now the Christians. What is he afraid of?

2. Jesus prepared His disciples for everything, including war. They saw Him casting out demons. In fact, He sent them out doing the same. But before He sent them out, He charged them to be wise as a serpents and gentle as a doves (Matt. 10:16).

3. This combination of divine wisdom and Christ-like innocence is the source of all spiritual victory. We can defeat the enemy. But we must learn the ways of God, which means we must think with divine wisdom. And we must be pure of heart, and gain God’s discernment.

4. In this spiritual warfare every Christian believer should be involved. We must know that we are armed with invaluable weapons to destroy the enemy, however great or powerful the enemy may be. The whole armor of God…Eph. 6:12 — Apathy doesn’t win wars…

Paul in his letter to the Church at Corinth said,” somewhat paraphrased to make it simple.
“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. We are using God’s mighty weapons, not mere worldly weapons. (II Corinthians 10:4-5) They have divine power to demolish Satan’s strongholds. With these weapons we break down every proud argument that keeps people from knowing God. With these weapons we conquer their rebellious ideas, and we teach them to obey Christ.

Paul in II Timothy 2;3-4 calls us to be soldiers. Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of [this] life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. We can be so embroil with our own personal peace and prosperity that we are not sensitive to our brothers and sisters suffering for Christ…

prayers are the main weapons that every believer can use against the enemy. Faith is an important factor that is significant in the usage of the weapons for without faith one cannot please God according to Hebrews 11:6.


The way to victory begins with prayer and pureness of our hearts. May we commit ourselves to this today making a renew commitment that my place in this war is to come and pray with the saints. We must use the weapons God gave us to aid our soldiers and government to win.

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