June 11, 2023

The Two Witnesses Ministry

Passage: Revelation 11:7-13
Service Type:


In 2008, Velma Thomas had a heart attack at her home in Virginia and was rushed to hospital. While there she had two more heart attacks and was placed on life support. Doctors tried everything to save Thomas’ life. The heart specialist Kevin Eggleston said at the time: “There were really no signs she had neurological functions. “In total, her heart stopped on three occasions and she had been clinically dead, with no brain activity for 17 hours. Just 10 minutes after being taken off life support, Velma miraculously woke up while nurses were removing the tubing. Dr. Eggleston said the incident was nothing short of a “miracle.” He told ABC News, “There are things that physicians and nurses can’t always explain and I think this is one of those cases.” The incredibly rare occurrence is known as Lazarus syndrome.
This is where the heart spontaneously starts beating again at a normal rate following failed attempts at resuscitation. I believe it is incorrectly named because she was not dead for 3 days like Lazarus. The real miracle happens when resurrected after ex-carnation. This will be the case with the two witnesses of God and a real Lazarus resurrection.

John says these two witnesses will serve as God’s prophets for 1,260 days, or 3 ½ years. The witnesses will be likening to Elijah in the OT as we read in Malachi 3:1 however we read what appears to be Elijah literal return in 4:5.

God assured His people that He would send Elijah to Israel before the great and dreadful day of the LORD. This was fulfilled in John the Baptist in a figurative sense (Matthew 11:14, Mark 9:11-13, Luke 1:17). Yet because this Elijah comes before the coming of the great and dreadful day, we know that the Elijah prophecy is only completely fulfilled before the Second Coming of Jesus. These prophets will perform miracles, such as destroying with fire anyone who would harm them (11:5). They have power over waters to turn them to blood and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will. It was Moses and Elijah with Jesus who appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration in Mark 9:1-8 …

These two witnesses will wear sackcloth because they will call the people to repentance. Their attire also expresses their great sorrow for the wretched and unbelieving world. Their message they will be universally hated and many will try to kill them. These witnesses will “fearlessly” proclaim God’s Word, judgment, wrath, vengeance, and the need for repentance.

In anticipation of this, Jewish homes set a place at the table for Elijah at Passover, just in case he might come on that night to announce the news that Messiah has come. The empty chair and the cup that is filled but never drank is a testimony to their anticipation of Elijah’s coming.

In this day men will not be able to turn a deaf ear to the preaching of God’s word. They won’t quit, no one will be able to stop them. Not the ACLU, nor any other Christ hating organization. Too often people will just turn you off, brush you off, slam their doors, complaint or cancel you. There is coming a day God will be heard weather men want to hear it or not.

Their Death vv. 7

1. God will protect His witnesses until their work is done. (When your work is done it’s done!) In verse seven we are introduced to the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit and kills the two witnesses. However, this will happen only after they have finished their testimony (11:7). Like the murder of Christ, their deaths will not be a tragic accident; they will have finished their ministry. This passage illustrates the difference between being a witness and them giving testimony. Witness is not something we do; it is something we are. Giving testimony is what a witness does.

2. This is the first mention of the beast that kills them, but he is mentioned more than 30 times in the remainder of the book. This killing is apparently his first act, and it will win him worldwide support. Their bodies will lie openly on the city street for everyone to see. The morbid gruesome display of hatred shows how hardened they are as they let those bodies just lie in the street decaying and the world rejoices!

II. Their Resurrection vv. 8-12

1. After their bodies had been on display for 3 1 /2 days for the entire world to *see the spirit of life from God entered into them. Think, less than a hundred years ago this seems impossible! Then television was invented and possibly one day it could happen. Electronic television was first successfully demonstrated in San Francisco on Sept. 7, 1927. The system was designed by a Mr. Farnsworth and today the whole world can see in real times events anywhere in the world thru the use of satellite television in 1962 by Telstar I.
They stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them (11:11). The world’s party will quickly end as God breathe life into their dead bodies. Great fear falls upon all who see what is happening. Just like God resurrected Jesus from the dead he will bring the two witnesses back to life. God then calls them home and they immediately go to Heaven.

2. As the two witnesses are resurrected, a voice from heaven calls them, Come up hither, and they ascend up to heaven in a cloud in full view of their enemies (11:12). This will be one of many spectacular events of the last days. The breath of God will be breathed into the dead bodies of these two slain witnesses.

They will stand to their feet, and when they do, fear will strike the hearts of all those who see them. Some wonder why the two witnesses were not permitted to preach after their resurrection, but signs and wonders do not make the gospel believable. Remember they didn’t listen to Moses, Elijah or Jesus. So as soon as they are finish the mission that God sent them to do the Lord takes them home.

6. Their Impact vv. 13.

1. The retribution for the evil treatment of God’s two witnesses is felt immediately on the city of Jerusalem. Jerusalem’s leadership is in league with the Antichrist, it is easy to see how these titles apply. Any city in love with the Antichrist, or entering into a covenant with him, could be called Sodom for it immorally. Jerusalem is called Egypt for its slavery to sinfulness and Babylon as the headquarters of the Antichrist. In verse 13, God sends an earthquake destroying 10% of the city and 7,000 men die. God shows who is still in control. The remnant must admit that this is the work of God.


We are all to be witnesses, that is who we are; no matter what our other calling, profession or vocation. Acts 1:8

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